No Border Medics | Elebeken 8 | 22299 Hamburg

Logo No Border Medics


Money Donations can be send to GLS Bank Account:

No Border Medics e.V.
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE39 4306 0967 1302 8141 00
purpose of use: Donation refugee aid

Or with PayPal:

Donations can be send or personally brought to :

No Border Medics
Kai Wittstock
Elebeken 8
22299 Hamburg

We want to say thanks to our partners!

Loho Roots
Humanitarian Aid | Charitable Roots | Dunkirk
Logo Grenzenlose Wärme
Grenzenlose Wärme | Refugee Relief Work e.V.

Copyright 2022 – No Border Medics – all rights reserved.