Our Mission
Our team, consisting of two coordinators and alternating volunteers with medical qualifications (doctors and nurses), endeavours to ensure continuous and reliable primary medical care.
We are on site 6 days a week during the day with our “mobile clinic”. It consists of a large treatment tent to protect against rain and wind as well as a converted and heated van with a treatment table for examinations. This also gives us the opportunity to offer our patients, especially vulnerable groups such as women and children, a shelter and more privacy.
Our aim is to be an accessible and needs-orientated contact point for all local people. Evictions by the police take place regularly, which is why the location of the camp is constantly changing and we also have to relocate our work accordingly and adapt to the dynamic situation and external circumstances.

Where we work?
Dunkirch/Calais – In and around Calais/Dunkirch are actually thousands of People on the Move.
They are coming from Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Irak, the kurdish Region of Northernirak, Libya or other countries.
They need to leave their home-country because of different reason with the hope to have peace and stability in westeuropean Countries or Great Britain.
Because of the Dublin-Agreements many people, who are in Northfrance now, have rarely a chance to get Asylum in an EU-Memberstate. Great Britain is mostly the last chance to get Asylum on the european continent.
Most of the People on the Move are already since many years on the way and have the wish to arrive and to build up a new life.
To get to Great Britain, the people must cross the English Channel (distance 25-40 km, depends on start- and finishpoint).
They try this with boat, truck or train. There is no legal possibility, so the crossing is very dangerous and unfortunetly also sometimes deadly.
It can last a year, until they can reach Great Britain.
Most of the People are forced, to stay until unbearable and dangerous conditions in tents in the city or in forest around the cities.
Daily they need to face psychological and physical violence from the police, have only bad access to essential things, like water, food or clothes, but also even to medical supply.
Here the work and help from No Border Medics starts
Other NGO’s on the ground take care for the maintenance of food, clothes, sleeping bags, tents a.s.o.
However there is no other NGO, who cover a continuous health care.